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For the love of Wine (Anglais), My odyssey through the world's most ancient wine culture
Potomac Books
Date de publication
Nombre de pages
22,5 x 15 cm
450 g

For the love of Wine (Anglais)

My odyssey through the world's most ancient wine culture


Potomac Books


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In 2011, when Alice Feiring first arrived in Georgia, she feit as if shed emerged from the magic wardrobe into a world fllled with mythical characters making exotic and delicious wine with the lowtech methods of centuries past. She was smitten, and she wasn't alone. This country on the Black Sea has an unusual effect on people; the most passionate rip off thcir clothes and drink wines out ofhorns while the cold-hearted well up with tears and make emotional toasts. Visiting winemakers fail under Georgia's spell and bring home qvevris (clay fermentation vessels) while rethinking their own techniques.
But, as in any good fairy tale, Feiring sensed that danger rode shotgun with the magic. With acclaim and growing international interest corne threats in the guise of new wine consultants aimed at making wines more commercial. So Feiring fought back in the only way she knew how: by celebrating Georgia and the men and women who make the wines she loves most, those made naturaily with organic viticulture, minimal intervention, and no additives.
From Tbilisi to Batumi, Feiring meets winemakers, bishops, farmers, artists, and silk spin-nets. She feasts, toasts, and collects recipes. She encounters the thriving qvevri craftspeople of the countryside, wild grape hunters, and even Stalin's last winemaker while plumbing the depths ofthis tiny country's love for its wines.
For the Love of Wine is Feiring's emotional tale of a rernarkable country and people who have survived religious wars and Soviet occupation yet managed always to keep hold of their precious wine traditions. Ernbedded in the narrative is the hope that Georgia has the temerity to confront its latest threat—modernization.
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